Sara Pinheiro
Most recent

ASYNCH is a live performance that combines foley and sampling, field recording and audio morphing. Based on the ideas of sonic fiction, it is an acousmatic experience of a film that has not been done – and if it were, it would be asynchronous. It’s a confusion where one sound might sound like another, a sound as-if, a magnified detail and everything that shakes (crumbles into dust).
ASYNCH is also the return of a promise, a function that retrieves a value and resolves it. It’s a hold back.
The performance is a release of Pinheiro’s first attempt to make an EP. It consists of 6 individual pieces organised (and failing) as the format of a (foley) song. It invites critical listening and ear cleaning.
Coming soon at PAF 2024.
- 23/03 SHLUK playing at punctum;
- 07/03 playing at Slag Room (den haag), with Donia Jourabchi and chebedajha;
- 28/02 Time Metallurgist screening at Prague Shorts;
- 26/02 “the critical ear 0.2″ workshop at Synth Library Prague;
- AERA, featuring Jonáš Kucharský, is now available on Ponava Radio;
- 15/02 – playing ASYNCH at the Bangor Electroacoustic Music Festival, Wales;
- REGARDLESS, featuring Mary C., is now available on Ponava Radio;
- 15/01 – playing reticências at AUSLAND (Berlin), under fem-noise x synth library exchange;
- SHLUK’s podcast episode “Noise Pollution and Sound Beyond Sound” is available on Ponava Radio;
- “the critical ear” is published in VORTEX Music Journal;
- 5/10 ASYNCH release performance also taking place in PAF 2024;
- The second part of Vanessa Theme Ament’s podcast Whole-y Foley is available here;
- 5-8/12 Thieves, dir. Michelle Williams Gamaker, will be in PAF 2024;
- 21/11, I will perform vertical chain at kampus hybernska. Before the performance, there will be a talk about the role of field recordings regarding climate change moderated by Jiří Slabihoudek;
- Vanessa Theme Ament, the author of Foley Grail, has kindly hosted me on her podcast Whole-y Foley. The first part is available here;
- 05-10/10 White by Night, dir. Elan Gamaker, will have its World Premiere at the International Competition of the INTERFILM Berlin 2024;
- 29/10 “the critical ear” will be part of Michal Cáb’s exhibition Music Is Obsolete (curated by Miloš Vojtěchovský). Gallery AVU, Prague;
- 27/10 KINETOPSIA will have its World Premiere at Ji.hlava Film Festival;
- “Noise pollution and sound beyond sound” (by SHLUK) is now published at Sonic Studies (Oct, 2024);
- 19/09, Acousmatic Echoes of Ruchový Archive (AERA) will premiere at Archival Assembly #3 (Berlin) – curated by Jonáš Kucharský NFA Prague;
- 30/07 the book “Southern Gothic in Contemporary Television Series” (Jižanská gotika v současných televizních seriálech” – ed. Veronika Klusaková), will be presented at the Letní filmová škola (LFŠ). I contributed with a chapter entitled “Sonic environments vs. Sonic fiction – Elements of the Gothic Southern Soundscape” (“Zvukové prostředí vs. zvuková fikce — zvukové krajiny jižanské gotiky”);
- 23/07 I will be holding a new workshop called “the critical ear” at Synth Library Prague. In this workshop, I will share a very specific endeavour of mine: a constant sway between a technical understanding of sound and a socio-political reflection on being a listener;
- 09/07, I will lead a soundwalk at Pristav (Prague), in collaboration with Synth Library and Mary C.;
- 21/06 SLAM will be premiered in Lisbon, at the Cinemateca Portuguesa;
- 13/06 Time Metallurgist premiering at RAIN+ festival, Barcelona;
- 27/05 “Noise pollution and sound beyond sound” will be presented at Noise Floor in Lisbon;
- 16/04, I will be playing “something to hold onto“, “commotion” and “pawns grebovka” in Petrohardska (Prague);
- 11/04 SHLUK is playing at ARCHA+ (Prague);
- 22/03 I will be performing “something to hold onto” at Kulturní středisko, in Ústí nad Labem. An event organised by phonon~
- 16/01 the film KINETOPSIA directed by Thomas Svoboda will premiere in kino ATLAS, Prague;
- 30/11 SLAM 5.1 original version is premiering at Ponrepo (Prague) and as an installation featured at Myslet o filmem in GHMP;
- 23/11 Beyond Listening is the new conference organised by CENSE and I will present SHLUK’s work – Noise pollution: sound in context and beyond audible;
- 12/11 Synth Library invites everyone to a one-day sound event at TROJA, Prague. I will lead a soundwalk with a few twists (:
- 09/11 ᴋᴏɴᴇᴋᴛɪᴠ Night VI – ғᴁ ʙᴇsᴛɪᴀ and I will perform at Venuse Prague; 01/12, Teren Brno and 09/12 Hradec Králové;
- 13/10, SHLUK will perform at the abandoned swimming pool in Barrandov District, in Prague;
- 15&16/09 Artur Pispalhas and I will perform at INTERFERÊNCIAS 2023, in Lisbon. This performance results from our summer residency at the Companhia Olga Roriz, in Lisbon. Here is a playlist of our favourite sounds;
- The paper “Foley Gesture” has just been published by The International Journal of Music New Sound;
- 27/08 I will present “field recordings: a manifesto” at SOA Lisboa;
- 25/07, I will be holding a sound-walk at Pristav in collaboration with Synth Lib Prague;
- 17/07 I will perform at DAR A OUVIR, Coimbra – Portugal. I will also present “field recordings: a manifesto“;
- 03/05 my paper “Foley Gesture” will be presented at NCMM/CESEM (Lisboa, PT);
- 20/05 reticências will be broadcasted on BBC Radio 3 on;
- 28/04 I will be introducing the documentary “Making Waves”, discussing “Sisters with Transistors” with Mary C. (synth library); and Invisible Landscapes with Ivo Bystřičan at AFO;
- 27/04 reticências will be performed at AFO (Olomouc).
- 31/03 THIEVES will premiere at South London Gallery (until 18/06/2023);
- 10/03 k-o-l-e-k-i-t-i-v playing at punctum;
- 21/01 reticências will be performed at DX10 (Prague); 18/02 at the EAM festival (Bangor, Wales) and on 26/02 on kool sport in Berlin;