Sara Pinheiro

Most recent

Title: SLAM



2023 – 20′ – CZ/PT

SLAM, “sounds like a movie”, is a fixed-media acousmatic composition for 5.1 Dolby Theatres made of film sounds. It plays with a sense of cultural memory by referencing well-known films in a stream of sonic associations in a format that is the standard approach of multichannel sound in cinema. In that sense, the composition questions a few assumptions that established themselves during the years of film sound history, namely the patterns that define that history.

SLAM puts forward an idea of collective memory in film culture in a semi-historical approach of film sound as a story-telling tool. The composition hops from film to film in a chain of personal associations, either driven by the sound itself or by the film per se.

Occasionally, it makes use of the common strategies of 5.1 spatialisation to emphasise the fictional qualities of the scenes in use – sometimes by maximising their atmospheres, other times by highlighting a certain aspect of the sonic data in an attempt to emphasise the content in the original sources. Along this process, the sounds unfold different layers of understanding: from evoking the materiality of the period in which they were created (analogue textures, old school compressions, digital characters) to the process that a reduced listening experience pertains to. It occupies the space between what “sounds like” something that is collectively recognized, individual memories and, as always, a sonic liberation of narrative constraints. SLAM is an étude au cinema as much as an ode to film sound while being, literally, cinema for the ears.


The original 5.1 version has been adapted into a 30 channel installation to be exhibited at GHMP, Prague.

For an extended program note (in Portuguese), please visit here.



Title: time metalurgist

time metalurgist

Sound Design

2023 – 20′ – CZ

a film by Tomas Rampula.

The experimental film Time Metallurgist works with found footage materials (photographs, excerpts from newspapers, letters) from the life of Eadweard Muybridge, attempting to reconstruct what happened in the second half of the 19th century in California. It describes the influence of these events on our present. It uses artificial intelligence to process all this material.

premiered at the RAIN Film Festival 2024.






  • SLAM 5.1 original version is premiering at Ponrepo, Prague on 30/11/2023 and as an installation featured at Myslet o filmem in GHMP;
  • Beyond Listening is the new conference organised by CENSE and I will present SHLUK’s work – Noise pollution: sound in context and beyond audible on 23/11/2023;
  • Synth Library invites everyone to a one-day sound event at TROJA, Prague – 12 Nov. I will lead a soundwalk with a few twists (:
  • ᴋᴏɴᴇᴋᴛɪᴠ Night VI – ғᴁ ʙᴇsᴛɪᴀ and I will perform at Venuse Prague 8 Nov, Teren Brno 1 Dec and Hradec Králové 9 Dec;
  • Friday 13 October, SHLUK will perform at the abandoned swimming pool in Barrandov District, in Prague;
  • Artur Pispalhas and I will perform at INTERFERÊNCIAS 2023, in Lisbon, on 15 and 16 September. This performance results of our summer residency at the Companhia Olga Roriz, in Lisbon. Here is a playlist of our favourite sounds;
  • The paper “Foley Gesture” has just been published by The International Journal of Music New Sound;
  • I will present “field recordings: a manifesto” at SOA Lisboa, on 27/08/2024;
  • On 25/07/2024, I will be holding a sound-walk at Pristav in collaboration with Synth Lib Prague;
  • On 17/07/2024, I will perform at DAR A OUVIR, Coimbra – Portugal. I will also present “field recordings: a manifesto“;
  • My new paper “Foley Gesture” will be presented at NCMM/CESEM (Lisboa, PT) on 03/05/2023;
  • reticências will be performed at AFO (Olomouc) on 27/04/2023. It will also be broadcasted on BBC Radio 3 on 20/05/2023;
  • At AFO, I will be introducing the documentary “Making Waves”, discussing “Sisters with Transistors” with Mary C. (synth library); and Invisible Landscapes with Ivo Bystřičan 28/04/2023;
  • THIEVES will premiere at South London Gallery on 31/03/2023 until 18/06/2023;
  • k-o-l-e-k-i-t-i-v playing at punctum 10/03/2023;
  • reticências will be performed at DX10 (Prague) on 21/01/2023; at the EAM festival (Bangor, Wales) on 18/02/2023 and on 26/02/2023 on kool sport in Berlin;